Friday, April 13, 2012

Confidence is the key~ Haters

If you have a you tube account, you probably know what I am talking about!!!! Many people have at least 1 hater. If you have had anough, here are some steps I would take:

Step 1: IGNORE OR RESPOND? Many people have tough decisions about the fight or flight response, or in this case, ignore or respond. In my case, not many people watch my videos because they havn't been up for that long. At most I have 4 comments on a video, so I will just respond back to them politley. If you have more then 50+ haters,  I would make a video, or on your next video just say somthing about it in the description box.

Step 2: MAKING A VIDEO. If you do end up making a video response, ask them politley to tell you what is wrong, or tell them "if you guys don't like my videos, why are you watching them"?

Step 3: LISTENED TO EXPIRIENCED PEOPLE! Nigahiga, a person I am subcribed to on You Tube, made this video:
Although, I would never do this, you can tune it down a little and post somthing, hopefully eithout causing a rucuss ;)

I hope this helps!!!
 If you have anything you would like to have me do a post about, you can email me at:

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